Last summer, you may remember, 24 Paterno aspirants officially became the first Paterno Fellows on the basis of their successful academic work in their first two semesters at Penn State. Now, as a result of their efforts during fall semester 2009, an additional 46 Liberal Arts students have moved from aspirant to Fellow–they too are now officially Schreyer Honors College students as well as Paterno Fellows. This means that altogether 70 students who began in the fall of 2008 are in the first, “pioneer” cohort of Paterno Fellows. Over 100 additional fall 2008 entrants are also still in line to become Fellows, depending on how they do this semester, but for now, let’s congratulate these latest 46 for their fantastic success:
- Autumn Griffin (English)
- Ju Hyun Park (English)
- John Hallinger (English)
- Stephen Koller (Sociology)
- Michele Weiss (Socilogy)
- Emily Kowey (International Politics)
- Torilynn Bell (International Politics)
- Amy Copley (International Politics)
- Kaitlyn Lynes (International Politics)
- Rose Hannah (Political Science)
- Ashley Trice (Political Science)
- Katherine Gregory (International Politics)
- Erin Morton (International Politics)
- Christen Buckley (International Politics)
- Robert Wiecorek (International Politics)
- Joshua Korn (Sociology)
- Brandon Betts (History)
- Diana Blair (History)
- John Fitzgerald (Jewish Studies)
- Richard King (CAMS)
- Nathanael Murphy (History)
- Kaitlyn Randol (Religious Studies)
- Conor Ryan (History)
- Paul Stretton (History)
- Elias Green (Political Science)
- Sara Chroman (Political Science)
- Charles Lewis (Political Science)
- Julie Swebinsky (Political Science)
- August Dombrow (Political Science)
- Rose Monahan (Political Science)
- Michael Paretti (Political Science)
- Matthew Farley (French)
- Jacqueline Gauthier (French)
- Danielle Miller (Spanish)
- Caitlyn Smith (Japanese)
- Stefan Orzech (Comp Lit)
- Alexandra Pecora (Spanish)
- Stephanie Brunner (Psychology)
- Gina Mattei (Psychology)
- David Capolupo (Philosophy)
- Pamela Dorian (Philosophy)
- Leanne Lane (Philosophy)
- Bryan Herling (Archeology)
- Marie-Christine Theberge (Spanish)
- Christopher Rozak (Political Science)
- Ainsley Hume (Anthropology)
Autumn: PFP and President of the AAA S Student Council Organization–I’m so proud of you!
Jenny Park: Congratulations!
August Dombrow: We’re all happy for you in LAUC!
Bryan Herling: You muscled through! 🙂 Good for you!
Ainsley Hume: Excellent work!
Congrats, Paterno Fellows! If you’re curious about how to access the education abroad or internship funds that you are guaranteed as a Fellow, e-mail me and Jillian for information: