For those of you who don’t recall my name, I’m the outgoing Liberal Arts Undergraduate Council president. I’m writing now because I want to put up a congratulatory note to all the new and returning officers for the 2010-2011 academic year.
We held our elections last week, and as the new officers fill the roles that we are leaving, I have nothing but confidence in their ability to take the Council to better places and to use their voice as the student representatives to improve our college.
For 2010 – 2011, the officers will be:
President: Geoff Halberstadt
Vice President: Amanda Craig
Secretary: Nicole Zinni
Treasurer: Jarryd McManus
Geoff was elected to retain his seat in the Faculty Senate and will continue to represent students in our college to that body.
I believe that any student who wants to be able to be involved in something should be able to: and that’s what I strove to create in the Liberal Arts Undergraduate Council during my watch. It’s gratifying to see eager faces sitting around a meeting table and waiting to become more invested in their college and university through something like LAUC. It’s always nice to receive an email about how excited someone is to become a part of LAUC because they heard about us in the newspaper or on the LAUSatPSU blog.
I trust the next executive board to maintain these experiences for students throughout the college. I hope you’ll consider attending LAUC meetings in the Fall and beyond! You can always reach us at