Hello Paterno Fellows and Aspirants! As you may have read already, this January will mark the First Annual Paterno Fellows Program Night of Recognition. This has been the focus of the Advisory Board’s efforts for the past few months and it is finally coming together. This short event will include what I like to call the Penn State student triple threat: free Paternos, free stuff, and free food. Seriously, what else do you need? As of right now (and it looks pretty concrete), both Joe and Sue Paterno are expected to be there and we will be recognizing JoePa with his College of the Liberal Arts Centennial Medal which he unfortunately did not receive last year because of his coaching duties. Also in attendance will be College of the Liberal Arts Deans Welch and Long, Schreyer Honors College Dean Brady, and President Spanier, as well as other Paterno family members. With this star-studded cast, every Paterno Fellow and Aspirant should be excited to attend on January 10th in Heritage Hall. Is there any better way to make all of your non-PFP friends insanely jealous?
Also included in your visit to this amazing night will be a sweatshirt to commemorate this ceremonious transition into the program. And what’s better, it is completely free of charge! However, this cannot be given to you without a little help from every Fellow. In the next few days, Fellows will be receiving an email which will ask you for the size of the sweatshirt that you would like to receive in January. I cannot stress enough how important it is that you respond to this as soon as possible when you actually receive it. Without this information we will have no idea what to order and therefore, we will not be able to order one for your individual preferences. So again, please respond to the sweatshirt size message in a timely fashion. Finally, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact any of the Advisory Board members and be sure to read Dr. Selzer’s original post. Oh, and be sure to tell your friends about this if they are unaware of it (and while you’re at it, have them bookmark this page for future readership). Have a great end to all of your semesters and good luck on any finals that you have! See you all on January 10th in Heritage Hall.