Several Liberal Arts Undergraduate Council (LAUC) members join us for a special Google + edition of our Liberal Arts Voices podcast.
For the first time, dedicated Liberal Arts Voices listeners can actually see what it is like behind the scenes of a recording session. Below, you can find the video footage recorded via a Google + “hang out” session. The Google + video hang out feature allows multiple users from different locations to talk online simultaneously.
In this episode, LAUC President Lauren Perrotti, LAUC Vice President Rob Turchick, and LAUC Secretary Matt Jewitt discuss LAUC’s plans and schedule of events for this academic year. Labor Studies and Employment Relations lecturer Amy Dietz, ANTH and WMNST major Helen Geleskie, CLA Adviser Katelyn Perry, CLA Instructional Designer Cathy Holsing, ITS staff member Dan Getz, and CLA alumni and former LAUC President Sam Loewner also join the podcast via Google +. The group discusses a variety of topics including online education, technology in the classroom, and potential educational and professional uses for Google + video hang outs.
We would like to thank Media Commons staff members Ryan Wetzel and Dan Getz for making our Google + video hang out possible!
You can view the Google + video hangout below (as well as on our You Tube page).
You can also download the file here: Liberal Arts Voices: Episode 30 “The Google + Special”
To subscribe to Liberal Arts Voices through iTunes, click here.
More photos from our Google + special podcast episode can be found on our Flickr site.
We encourage all of our listeners to write to us with comments, questions, or suggestions at We may even respond to these comments on the next episode of Liberal Arts Voices.