A pin? A statuette? A fancy Something-or-Other? Or what?
The benefit of being a Paterno Fellow is the experience, of course: you are giving yourselves a superior educational experience that will serve you well for the rest of your lives. The credential will be nice too–it’ll open many doors for you. And if you’ve made it to “Fellows status” you’ve also got a nice PF “hoodie” to show for it too, the one you got at last January’s Recognition Ceremony (or that you will get this coming January, if you’ve recently been admitted to the program).
But what can we get for you to mark the occasion of your graduation as a Paterno Fellow? As a Schreyer Scholar, you’ll be getting the SHC medal that goes to all Schreyer Scholars, but we want you to have a significant material item to mark your Paterno Fellows achievement too.
But what? We are kicking some ideas around already and we have some pretty good notions–but I’d welcome your input too. Any bright ideas? Any think-outside-the-box notions? Please do give me your thoughts about something that Paterno Fellows would truly value as a sign of their remarkable achievement.
Send suggestions to jls25@psu.edu.