Faculty, staff, and students in the College of the Liberal Arts will be undertaking a terrific spring semester campaign to raise awareness (and money!)–To Prevent Child Abuse. A half dozen Paterno Fellows volunteers are needed to spearhead the student part of the effort. (Liberal Arts Undergraduate Council members are also involved.)
Pinwheels for Prevention, it’s called: The pinwheel has been adopted as a symbol for the prevention of child abuse and neglect nationwide, and since 2008 a force of pinwheelers has been selling pinwheels and taking donations for this great cause. Now the effort is coming to Penn State Liberal Arts. Many Paterno Fellows have been looking for a way to make a positive difference in the wake of the events of last November, and the Paterno Fellows Student Advisory Committee has endorsed this means of doing just that.
Want to help? Want to know more? Contact Jack Selzer–jls25@psu.edu–and he’ll put you in touch with other interested students. The group will have plenty of freedom to concoct ways to spread the message, the effort will be in cooperation with faculty and staff (an organizational meeting is scheduled for noon on January 19 in 124 Sparks), the effort will certainly count toward the Paterno Fellows leadership and service commitment–and there should be some fun involved as well. For more information, please reference the attached handout: Pinwheels for Prevention.pdf