Thanks to a new partnership between Penn State and Nanjing University, Penn State students have a unique opportunity to experience China, and build meaningful relationships with Chinese students. From May 17 to June 27, 2014, Penn State students will travel to Nanjing and take classes with Chinese students planning to attend Penn State in the Fall 2014 semester. The program aims to create a diverse classroom environment where students develop cross-cultural friendships that will extend to their return to campus in the fall.
While in China, students will enroll in HIST 011: World History II (3 credits). The course has no prerequisites and is appropriate for students from any major. The course starts around the year 1500 with an emphasis on important ideas that have shaped the world we know today.
Additionally, students may elect to earn three additional credits by taking HIST/ASIA 299. This independent study course allows students to investigate one of the topics covered in HIST 011 in greater depth.
Nanjing is an important cultural, historic, and economic center in Eastern China. Home to 8 million people, the city is larger than Atlanta and slightly smaller than Chicago. The city was China’s capital from 1927-1949 under the Kuomintang. It is known for attractions including the Tombs of the Ming Dynasty Palace, the Yangtze River, and a Times Square style fashion district called Xinjiekou.
Nanjing University is one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of higher learning in China. It was ranked among the top Asian Universities in 2012 by the London Times and is home to more than 43,000 students.
Applications for the Nanjing program are available through Global Penn State. Liberal Arts students are eligible for funding to assist with program costs. Contact the Career Enrichment Network for more details.