You’ve already RSVP’d to Careers for the Humanities on March 29th to learn about exciting career opportunities for Liberal Arts students. Now it’s time to prepare! What should you bring to this event? A resume? A notebook? You want to look professional and prepared for the alumni panelists but maybe you’ve never been to an event like this before. Not to worry! Below is a list of the top 5 things to bring to Careers for the Humanities:
1. Resume. This is the obvious necessity. With many alumni attending and participating in resume reviews, you will want to bring a few copies of your resume. Have a variety of alumni look over your resume if possible- the more feedback, the better!
2. Notebook. Preferably you should own some sort of portfolio like this one available in the Penn State bookstore. It has pockets for your resume and looks professional- perfect for interviews! However for this event, any type of notebook will suffice. You will want to jot down notes from the keynote speaker’s advice for internship searches and advice from alumni as well as any contact information you receive from alumni. Also think about asking for business cards when you speak with people.
3. Pens. This sounds silly, but bring a few spare pens! With alumni conducting resume reviews it is easy to lose some pens. Don’t be left without a writing utensil; – come prepared and stash extra pens in your pocket or bag.
4. Breath Mints. No gum, please! Chewing gum while chatting with alumni is a big no-no! However, pop a few breath mints before talking with a panelist to be sure the conversation is enjoyable for both parties.
5. Questions for the Panelists. Specific information about the panelists will be available in a later blog post. Until then, think about what questions you have for the alumni. Whether they are field-specific or general questions about life after college, write down a few questions to get the conversation started! Alumni will be impressed that you arrived prepared.
One thing not to bring to Careers for the Humanities is your cell phone- turn it off or on silent if you must. Be respectful to the speaker and the panelists and resist the urge to text or make calls during the event. Remember that these alumni volunteered to come speak to you. Be considerate of their time and valuable advice.
If you keep this list in mind, you are sure to make a great impression on the panelists and receive a lot of information and feedback. Now that you have all of your belongings put together, next week’s blog post will discuss what to wear to the event.