Posted By: Career Enrichment Network
Spain is one of the most popular study abroad destinations for Penn State students, and with good reason. The country is filled with vibrant culture, rich history, beautiful landscapes, and amazing food. Seville is a city in southern Spain, closely accessible to Granada, Portugal, and even Morocco. It is one of the warmest European cities as well. CIEE, a study abroad provider that Penn State works with, has a long standing center in Seville, that allows students to fully immerse themselves in the Spanish culture.
Students interested in studying in Seville have the option to take courses in Spanish language, international business, and many other liberal arts disciplines. Nicole Schaefer, majoring in Economics and Telecommunications, spent last Spring in Seville.
When asked about her experience she stated that, “studying in another language has opened the way my mind works and has made me perceive, process and interpret things in different ways.” While in Seville, Nicole became involved in the community by tutoring students in English.
Nicole also has this advice for students thinking about studying in Seville, “Take your classes in the foreign language, even if you are not proficient at it. I would have learned much more Spanish which would have helped me make more local friends and develop deeper relationships with my host family if I had taken the opportunity to learn more Spanish. I’ve realized that I should take more classes in the areas I am passionate about.”
Nicole also received Liberal Arts Enrichment Funding from the College, this funding is available to all students with at least one major in the College. To learn more about study abroad, be sure to attend the Education Abroad Fair this Fall, taking place in the HUB on October, 12 from 11am-4pm. You can also schedule an appointment with Jackie Smith ( ), Global Experiences Coordinator on Network Symplicity.