Congratulations on a successful year! You made it! We hope you had a great year at Penn State in the College of the Liberal Arts.
Summer break is a perfect time to catch up on some sleep, spend time with family and friends, AND make sure the you are well prepared for the next academic year!
Here are a few things you can do over break:
- Tell us about your summer internships! All you have to do is complete this form (it should only take you about 2 minutes!).
- Apply for Fall 2018 internships under the Jobs section in your Network Symplicity account.
- Learn more about your unique combination of strengths by requesting a code and completing the StrengthsFinder on-line assessment. Interested in learning more about professional development for Liberal Arts students? Register for this fall course.
- Submit your application for enrichment funds if you need support for a summer 2018 internship, research experience, or global experience. While, the priority deadline has passed, we will accept applications as funds permit until the final deadline for the summer: June 1, 2018.
- Talk with your family about your plans to gain global experience by participating in a spring study abroad program next academic year. Deadlines and more information can be found here.
- Update your resume with any new activities, revised GPA, etc.
- Follow us on social media – follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for updates on career related events, deadlines, news, & more!
- Relax and enjoy your summer break!
Career Enrichment Network
Penn State University College of the Liberal Arts
101 Sparks Building
University Park, PA 16802
Tel: +1 814-865-1070
Fax: +1 814-863-3965