Looking for a job or internship? Want to improve your interviewing skills? Hoping to succeed at the career fair? There’s a class for all of it!
LA 103 Professional Development for the Liberal Arts Student assists students in the College of the Liberal Arts with:
- exploring career options;
- identifying career fields for Liberal Arts graduates;
- the job and internship search;
- developing skills to assist in career decision-making;
- networking with employers;
- and much more!
The 1-credit class is available to all undergraduate students in the college. Contact the Career Enrichment Network at lanetwork@psu.edu with any questions, and visit LionPATH Class Search for more information and to register today!
Spring 2022 Semester:
Section 001
Wednesdays, 2:30–3:45 p.m.
101 Bank of America Career Services Center
Section 002
Tuesdays, 4:35–5:50 p.m.
167 Willard Building