My last internship blog post focuses on the importance of networking. Penn State routinely organizes professional events where students have the opportunity to meet company representatives and recruiters, as well as Penn State alumni. I make a strong effort to attend professional events held on campus because they are an excellent opportunity for me to learn more about prospective employers and industries. Professional events provide students with the advantage of meeting and speaking with company representatives in person.
I have found that it is beneficial to research the company before I attend such business events so that I can speak intelligently and express my genuine interest in the company–students who are articulate and who have done their research will be able to ask more informed questions and will make a good impression on representatives from the company. At these functions, students have the opportunity to network and obtain business cards from a variety of representatives. When the time comes to submit an application for a specific internship position (or a full-time job), the student will already have a direct contact from the company that the student can notify to let them know they are applying for a position–this may help distinguish the student’s application from a stack of 200 other applications. Both LionLink and the Nittany Lion Career Network are valuable networking resources; the Nittany Lion Career Network posts announcements about company information sessions under the events tab.
Career fairs are another excellent opportunity to network. Sometimes students leave career fairs and express feelings of disappointment or exasperation: maybe representatives were not currently looking to recruit students from your major or maybe you were not offered a chance to interview. I look at career fairs as an opportunity to network; I try to focus on having meaningful conversations with representatives and obtaining their business card so that I can broaden my professional network and have a direct contact at organizations of keen interest to me. It is critical for students to think about how to best market themselves and reflect on the unique qualities and skills that they possess. Students will be more confident and effective in a networking environment if they carefully consider what makes them an asset to employers.
If anyone has additional networking tips, post them here!