Hello to all of our faithful Paterno Fellows Blog readers. I wanted to start this post with a sincere apology that my blog-posting timeline has been iffy at best. I spoke in my first post about getting involved on campus while retaining the academic standards which this program requires. On the one hand, I did just that (some may say too much) and branched out around campus. As it stands now I am the treasurer of an Israel group on campus, a General Board member of a campus Jewish life organization, and the secretary of my fraternity. On the other hand, I neglected my posting responsibilities, and for that I wanted to again, apologize.
However, this time off from blogging at my computer allowed me to get the full experience of First Semester Freshman year. I was able to go to all the fairs, rush a fraternity, solidify my national (both Israeli and American) identities as well as my Jewish identity in a place so inherently different than where I was before. It was one heck of a ride, and while stressful at times (like this past week, where I stayed up until about 6AM almost daily finishing the last of my work- YAY for the end of the semester!) it was an experience I believe I will keep forever. Whether good or bad, every experience over the past four months or so has come with a lesson behind it; those lessons which I (and, in fact, all freshmen) should carry for the rest of our collegiate careers and beyond.
And onto my final point of business: my next blog series (if you can call this one a series :D). Another great opportunity which the honors courses of the Schreyer Honors College and Paterno Fellows Program offered me was a special, one week course abroad in Egypt! And so tomorrow I depart to a place I have only read about. Hopefully, depending on internet conditions, I will be able to blog about my experiences while I am in Egypt. If not, then I hope to post one long post at the end of the trip so that, hopefully, this opportunity can continue in semesters to come and maybe even some blog-readers can go on the trip as well.
For now, that is all. Enjoy your breaks and make sure to stay warm and safe. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!