The College of the Liberal Arts has chosen Allison Baker as the College Student Marshal for the summer 2010 commencement ceremony and she will receive her diploma on stage on behalf of all the students in the college. Allison chose Jose Soto, Assistant Professor of Psychology, to accompany her as her Faculty Marshal.
Allison is from Lebanon, Pennsylvania, and is the daughter of Tracey Allgier-Baker and Paul Baker. A Schreyer scholar, she will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and a minor in International Studies. Allison was the recipient of the President’s Freshman and Sparks awards and an Academic Excellence Scholarship. She presented her thesis research at this year’s Undergraduate Research Exhibition and won Honorable Mention for Information Literacy. Allison studied abroad in Belgium, was a research assistant for several faculty members, and completed an internship with the Center for Mental Health at Quittie Glen in Annville, Pennsylvania.
The summer undergraduate commencement ceremony is scheduled for Saturday, August 14, 2010 at 10:00 a.m. in the Bryce Jordan Center.