Google Hosting Info Session on Campus
Representatives from Google will be hosting an information session on Thursday, February 20 at 6:00PM in 260 Willard.
Recent alumni will present on life at Google and life within their business and sales organization. Panelists will also be available to take questions and meet with students.
All major are welcome to attend. While Google will be primarily recruiting seniors and recent grads, all grade levels are welcome to attend.
Freshmen Wanted: For Presidential Leadership Academy
Would you like to be considered for the Presidential Leadership Academy? First-year students are now welcome to begin the application process for this valuable opportunity, one that’s right in keeping with the Paterno Fellows agenda.
Established in spring 2009, the Academy is a three-year leadership development opportunity for a select group of students, who are admitted toward the end the spring semester of freshman year. The application process has now begun. (About 15 of the students selected in the first two classes have been Paterno Fellows aspirants, so we know that the opportunity is especially open to you.)
Through the Presidential Leadership Academy, students develop leadership skills, especially the ability to explore multiple dimensions of an issue and to welcome diverse viewpoints. A highlight of the Academy is a one-credit introductory seminar led by the President of the university, and there are numerous off-campus and on-campus special events and opportunities. Check out the details on their website.
Interested students may apply directly for membership in the Academy, or (better) they can be nominated by members of the university community. My recommendation would be to come to an info session for Liberal Arts freshmen interested in the Presidential Leadership Academy on Tuesday, January 25, at 4:30 in 124 Sparks–you’ll learn how to improve your application, and you’ll also learn how to get feedback on your developing applications.
Deadline for receipt of nominations is Monday, February 14, 2011. Students nominated for the Academy will be asked to complete the application process, which includes a resume, one essay question, and two letters of recommendation.
Big Game Hunting (for Juniors and Sophs)
It has probably dawned on you already: being a Paterno Fellow puts students in an elite category–and sets them up for tremendous post-graduate opportunities. Like Marshall, Rhodes, Fulbright, Udall, Churchill, and Mitchell scholarships, fellowships, and awards (among others). Visit Penn State’s University Fellowship Office web site to learn more about these opportunities.
Because Paterno Fellows will graduate with honors, with service and leadership achievements, with dual majors (or 24-credit minors), and with internship and/or study abroad experiences, they are well positioned to get these very prestigious awards. Junior Paterno Fellows should start thinking about these things now, and it’s not too early for sophomores to get this on their radar as well.
So that you can learn more about how to take advantage of those opportunities, we’ve scheduled two things:
- On October 20, Ruth Mendum of the University Fellowships Office will make a presentation to interested Fellows at 4:30 pm in 124 Sparks. She’ll outline the possibilities, discuss the details, and in general set you up (if you are interested) for the application process. It’ll be over in less than an hour.
- Then students who are interested in making applications can count on one-on-one assistance (however much of it you would like) from Dr. Heather Murray, who has lots of experience in this area.
Please come on October 20. There’s no obligation to apply for anything afterward–just an opportunity for you to see if this is right for you. Why not come and learn what your hard work has prepared you to enjoy?