Today marks the first day of my second year as Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies at the College of the Liberal Arts at Penn State. Such moments invite reflection, and since I have been encouraging students to reflect upon their undergraduate experience here on the blog, I thought I would pause to consider my own experience.
It begins and ends with students. The most rewarding aspect of my experience as Associate Dean has been the opportunity to get to know our remarkable undergraduate students.
Whether it was engaging in a Dialogue on Drinking with LAUC President Geoff Halberstadt and former President Sam Loewner, or talking poetry with PSU Laureate Robin Becker and her students Natalie Kovak and William Woolfit on the Liberal Arts Voices Podcast, or experiencing vicariously the transformative study abroad experiences of students like Nicole Zinni and Justin Ogden, I have been struck and encouraged by the integrity, passion, thoughtfulness and maturity of our students in the College of the Liberal Arts.
The rich LAUS website, with its student bloggers, pictures, videos and podcasts, has been the medium through which the undergraduate student experience has been articulated and, I hope, amplified. My commitment to the strategy with which I began my tenure as Associate Dean – to use social media technologies to deepen and enrich our community of education – has strengthened as students have embraced the opportunity to reflect on their experiences in public.
Justin Ogden, who blogged for us as he spent the summer of 2010 as an intern at a shoe factory in China, gives eloquent voice to the power of blogging to focus our thoughts, slow us down and deepen our appreciation of the experiences we are having: