Paterno Fellow Ruth Canagarajah was honored earlier this semester with one of three coveted Rock Ethics Institute “Stand Up” Awards, awarded each year to “honor Penn State undergraduate students who have the courage and fortitude to take an ethical stand for a person, a cause, or belief, and thereby demonstrate ethical leadership.”
Ruth was recognized for initiating what she called “The Paalam Project.” “Paalam” is the Tamil word for “bridge,” and the project was intended to do some serious bridging–to span the divides that separate Sri Lankans as well as those that separate Penn State students from an awareness of the political and social situation in Sri Lanka. Ruth’s family came to the United States from Sri Lanka, and so she decided to encourage Sri Lankan youth to take up playwriting as a way of healing after the civil war there. She then translated their plays into English, and worked with Penn State students to produce them, providing unique opportunities for cross-cultural exchange and understanding.
Visit the Roch Ethics Institute’s website for more details.