I met with Sean Healy last week to talk about the Liberal Arts Magazine he is starting here at Penn State. It will be called, Agora.
Sean tells the story of how it came about:
“When I changed campus to University Park last fall I was seeking an opportunity on campus to get involved. I found it difficult to find a student organization that I was passionate about or thought would fit my personality. I was looking to get involved in some sort of publication or magazine because I enjoy writing, and when I explored my options I found that Penn State did not have a Liberal Arts magazine. I decided that a Liberal Arts magazine at Penn State would be the perfect opportunity for Liberal Arts students and Penn State as a whole to gain from the experience of writing and the invaluable process of peer editing, review, and discussions.
This was the start of Agora and it the organization has been slowly growing ever since.”
The first edition of the magazine is due out March 1st, and it will be available at the LAUS office in 119 Sparks.
Here is Sean’s description of the magazine itself:
“Agora is a monthly Liberal Arts publication that seeks to promote diversity, free thought, and a marketplace of ideas for the Penn State community. All writing pieces within this publication are the original ideas of our authors who are encouraged to write about the issues they are most passionate about and feel should be further discussed. The result is a body of writing different from any Penn State publication. With no limits, our writers are free to express viewpoints that are often muffled, sidelined, or under discussed. From this thought the motivation for our name is derived: Agora.
The agora was a place of assembly unique to the ancient Greek civilization that served as both a political and commercial marketplace. The powerful symbolism embodied within the principal of an agora is clearly represented in the first amendment of the United States constitution: freedom of speech.”
I look forward to the appearance of this new magazine and hope that we can work together to amplify its voice in the College and the University.