It’s official: The first annual Paterno Fellows Recognition Ceremony will take place on Monday, January 10, 7 pm in Heritage Hall of the HUB. All Paterno Fellows (i.e., juniors and some sophs) and all aspirants (sophs and freshmen) are expected to attend. Mark your calendars now.
This will be a memorable event, one that will become an annual affair. Joe and Sue Paterno are expected to attend; although it is always possible that something will come up at the last minute that prevents their attendance, they are definitely planning to make it. Part of the evening will include the awarding to Joepa of the College of the Liberal Arts Centennial Medal–the one he couldn’t be there to accept last year because he was on the road coaching PSU to a win at Michigan. That will give students an opportunity to show the Paternos their appreciation for making the Paterno Program possible.
But the main guests of honor will be the 200 or so students who have met the requirements for acceptance as Paterno Fellows–113 juniors, 59 sophomores (in addition to the other 30-40 sophomores that are expected to qualify after grades are posted later this month), and a couple of dozen first-year students who are also qualified as Fellows as a result of their admission to the Schreyer Honors College and their commitment to be Fellows.
The many freshmen and sophomores who are still aspiring to become Fellows should plan to attend in order to support and celebrate their classmates.
Fellows will be recognized by name at the event. Those Fellows in attendance will also receive a nice Paterno Fellows hooded sweatshirt as an acknowledgment of their status–you can expect to receive a query in the coming days so that we get your size right. (Incidentally, you can also expect to receive a more permanent symbol of your accomplishments as Paterno Fellows when you graduate.)
Here’s what you can expect on January 10 (in a program designed by the Paterno Fellows Student Advisory Board):
- An event that lasts no more than 75 minutes, including the short reception after;
- Some suitable music;
- A short presentation by a Paterno Fellow who will speak about what the Program is all about;
- A short recognition of the Fellows, followed by celebratory food and drink;
- A surprise or two.
Also attending, in addition to members of the Paterno family, will be Deans Susan Welch and Chris Long, President Spanier and Dean Brady of the Schreyer Honors College, and other guests.
Again, all Paterno Fellows and Paterno aspirants are expected to attend.
It should be fun.
I’ll provide more details later this month and in early January so that you know exactly what to expect. Fellows will also be receiving a questionnaire about your sweatshirt size.
In the meantime, best wishes for a great end to the semester and success with exams and final projects.
PS How to dress? I suggest that you wear what you’d wear to an evening show in Eisenhower.