Paterno Fellows have a special interest in undergraduate research since they are required to complete a senior thesis as members of the Schreyer Honors College. And the Discovery Grant competition gives Paterno Fellows a chance to win significant funding–$2500–for research to be completed next summer. Do plan to apply–the deadline is February 10— particularly if you are now in your junior year. For information and application materials, see visit the Undergraduate Research website.
Note Well: For the past few years the College of the Liberal Arts has had more Discovery Grant winners than any other PSU college. The biggest reason, of course, is the quality of our students. Check out a list of last year’s winners and the titles of their projects. A dozen or so of these students are from Liberal Arts (and nine are Paterno Fellows–Borriello, Dorian, Foster, Heimark, Kilkelly, Ogram, Rotiroti, Sroka, Theberge).
But another reason is that Liberal Arts faculty and staff help students to refine their applications. To get a head start on the application process, interested students should attend a workshop on January 26 (Thursday) at 4 pm in 124 Sparks. At the workshop you’ll have a chance to see some example proposals (including successful ones!), you’ll be able to ask specific questions, and by attending you’ll earn the right to share your subsequent draft materials (if you want) with sympathetic and experienced Liberal Arts grantmanshippers.
You have a good chance to win, in other words. So give it a try!