At Careers for the Humanities, you will have the opportunity to speak with alumni panelists to learn more about various careers available for Liberal Arts majors. Last week, you learned about networking tips and how to effectively network. Another major component of networking is your “elevator pitch.” An elevator pitch is a brief, 60 second introduction that you will give when meeting the alumni panelists. This is your chance to make a great first impression so you want your pitch to be informative and concise. The tips below will help you create the perfect elevator pitch.
1. Start Out Strong: Shake the person’s hand and introduce yourself. Include basic information like your year, major, and minor here. Example: Hello, my name is Sam and I am a sophomore majoring in English with a minor in History.
2. Briefly explain your future plans/goals: Do you want to go to graduate school? Want to work for the government? Not exactly sure what you want to do? That’s okay! This is the time to talk about your interests and plans. Example: I’m not sure of my future plans but I enjoy helping people and I am considering a career in the non-profit sector.
3. Talk about your experience: Did you have an awesome internship or study abroad experience? Do you hold a leadership position in an organization? Tell the alumni panelist about it! Be enthusiastic and sell yourself. Example: Last summer I interned with the American Red Cross coordinating supplies for earthquake relief in the Philippines. Or I am the President of the History Roundtable.
4. Highlight your skillset: This isn’t just limited to technical skills like computer software or languages but also soft skills as well such as problem solving, communication, and time management. Example: I am fluent in Spanish and I am comfortable working with the public in a professional office environment.
5. Finish on a high note: A little enthusiasm goes a long way. Ask the alumni professionals if they would like to learn more about you or tell them that would you like to learn more about them. Example: I would be thrilled to explain more about my background and interests. Or I see that you work at Twitter, would you mind telling me more about that as I am looking for a career involving social media?
Be sure to practice your elevator pitch in the mirror or with your roommates to make you present it smoothly and to work out the details. Check out this link with elevator pitch examples for more information. Remember to register for Careers for the Humanities on your Network Symplicity account, too! Check back next week to meet the alumni panelists.