Call for Papers
10th Annual MadRushConference
Saturday, 16 March 2019 (930am-330pm)
James Madison University/Harrisonburg, VA
How to Apply-The 10thAnnual MadRush Undergraduate Research Conference seeks undergraduate research and/or creative works in written, poster or web-based formats from any Humanities or Social Science discipline. Interested students should submit a 100-150 word email abstract of their project to no later than 5:00 PM Monday, February 11, 2019. Abstracts should be Word files and should include author, academic major, institution, title of presentation. We welcome submission of panel sessions on related paper topics.
Presentation Format-Students selected for the conference will be notified by email in early March. Presentations should be 15-20 minutes in length; there will be time for audience questions at the end of each conference session. Presentations may include PowerPoint slides for visual support. Presenters are responsible for expenses incurred in attending the conference. Poster sessions will be delivered in a session format.
Conference fees-$25 (includes continental breakfast and lunch)
MadRushBest Paper Prizes/Publication in undergraduate journal
Students who have been accepted to present at the conference may submit their completed project for publication consideration in our undergraduate journal. The top three papers will receive best paper prizes-1st place–$100; 2ndplace–$75; 3rdplace–$50. The submission deadline for publication and prize consideration will be in late February. Winners will be announced at the end of the conference.
MadRushUndergraduate Research Journal
Students who submit copies of their papers for the Best Paper Prizes will also have their papers reviewed for publication in our undergraduate research journal. A group of faculty referees will select approximately eight papers for publication.